Sunday, August 28, 2011

What You Are Really Saying To Your Kids

Tonight I am passing along an article that will help you become more aware of healthy or {un}healthy habits you are teaching your children.  Many of these things are said with good intentions from the parents but keep in mind what it really teaches a child's mind.

Conscious Parenting
Everything I have ever said about teaching kids to eat right boils down to one concept: conscious parenting.
I’m not talking about just being awake; most parents attain that level of consciousness! I’m talking about being really aware of the lessons you are teaching your kids about food and eating.
In many cases, the intended lesson is NOT the lesson being learned.
The gap between the lesson you think you are teaching, and the lesson your kids are actually learning is where most problem-eating patterns are born.
It’s in this gap that eating problems are nurtured. It’s where they blossom.
For instance, parents think “two more bites” teaches kids the value of vegetables, but that’s not what kids learn. {I am guilty of this tactic}  Kids learn some (or all) the following:
  • I have to eat veggies even if I don’t want them. This makes me dislike them even more.
  • Mommy knows better than I do how much I should eat. I should always look to others for clues about portion size.
  • Dessert is usually eaten on a full stomach. Feeling full isn't a sign to stop eating; it's when the good times roll!
  • How much I eat is open to negotiation.

Here are 10 ways you may be unintentionally teaching your kids NOT to eat dinner. You…
1) Let your child go at a yummy snack or appetizer (cheese and crackers, hummus and chips) just before dinner. Lesson Learned: Dinner isn't really important; I fill up whenever I eat; Snacks are tastier than meals.

2) Serve a delicious dessert that your child knows is coming (because you keep telling her she has to eat a few more bites of dinner if she wants some), and which she thinks is worth holding out for. Lesson Learned: Dinner is a chore but desserts rock; Mom and Dad think desserts are tastier than "real" food too; I know exactly how much I have to eat before I'm allowed to get to the good stuff.

3) Serve lots of milk with dinner, especially when your child is thirsty. Lesson Learned: My parents like it when I drink milk; I can fill up on anything I want.

4) Prepare your child’s favorite dinner when he dawdles so long eating the dinner you originally prepared that you want to tear your hair out (or get on with your evening). Lesson Learned: I can hold out longer than my parents; If I make my parents really miserable they give me what I want.

5) Reward your child’s refusal to even taste what you’ve cooked by whipping up something you know he prefers. (This technique works best if you have a bit of a fight with your child before giving in.) Lesson Learned: When I'm stubborn I get my way; Sometimes it takes a good fight to get the "good" food, but it's worth it.

6) Give in to your child’s request for an after-dinner snack (even though last night you swore you would never do that again) because you’re afraid she’ll get hungry sometime during the night. Lesson Learned: Why eat dinner? There's always something better later; Saying "I'm hungry" is a great procrastination technique; My parents fear my hunger, maybe I should too.

7) Put so much pressure on your child to eat that it’s a point of honor for him to resist. Lesson Learned: Eating is a power struggle and I usually win.

8) Teach your child the mindset that he has to eat a certain number of bites (instead of listen to his hunger/satiation signals). Then spend the rest of the meal continually negotiating down the number of bites you tell your child he has to eat before being excused from the table. Before long, the number of bites will approach zero. Lesson Learned: My parents think they know better than me how much I should eat; My parents don't really mean what they say; If I hold out, I get my way—eventually.

9) Tell your child he should eat something because it’s healthy, because he wants to grow up big and strong, because his big brother eats it. Lesson Learned: I know I don't want to eat that food because my parents have taught me that healthy food tastes bad (see Lesson #2).

10) Insist your child sit at the table when there’s something really, really exciting happening in the next room. Lesson Learned: The quicker I can convince my parents that I'm not hungry the sooner I can get back to the fun.

Used occasionally, each and every one of these tactics has a place in the parental arsenal.
Unfortunately, used consistently, or in conjunction with each other, these tactics spell disaster.

Tomorrow is the start of a new week.  I encourage all of you to use this week and focus on teaching your children to listen to themselves.  They are capable of learning the feelings of "full" and "hungry".  They are capable of feeling the effect on the body of eating junk food versus healthy foods.  And staying {or becoming} healthy yourself will encourage your children to make good nutrition choices as well.  Teach them the difference between  good and bad food choices.  Let them choose, even if they choose the brownie over the broccoli.  It's ok, they are learning children.  Just do your best to teach them what a healthy food relationship consists of and how to get there. 

xoxo Aleisha

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Dont be afraid to effectively stand up for yourself when needed.  Afterall, letting other people know your expectations in the relationship with them is HEALTHY; leaving no room for misunderstanding in your expectations of their treatment toward you.

xoxo Aleisha

Knees. We Kind Of Need Them.

While having a very non-productive day at work yesterday, I cam across the website  My knees are a mess.  So much that I've seriously considered the surgery route.  At 27 years old, I should not have to be considering knee surgery as a result of wear and tear on the joints. You read that right, there was no injury ever, just wear and tear.
When I came to the knee website, I got lost in a wealth of information.  Everything from different common knee issues, rehab and specific knee exercises for strengthening knee muscles, to joint support.

JOINT SUPPORT.  And right then I knew I needed to post and share the importance of joint support.  Everyone should be taking a Chondroitin/Glucosamine/MSM blend for joint mobility and flexibility.  I personally prefer THIS line of joint support because of their proper ratios of each component in the product.  Healthy joints make for healthy exercise which leads to endorphins and then life is just grand!

xoxo Aleisha

Beautiful Skin from the Inside Out

Here’s an article that my friend, Ana Loaiciga, sent to me from - Thank you Ana!

Beautiful Skin from the Inside Out

Our skin tells a lot about us. It glows and shines if we are happy and healthy. It is dull and blotchy when we are sad or sick. Your skin gives away all of your secrets before you even open your mouth! So why not nurture it? After all, it’s the biggest part of the glorious temple called your body.

Here is your guide to creating a great natural face before you even get to the makeup part! The most important component of healthy skin is diet and healthy lifestyle choices.

Beauty starts on the inside

Stress Less: When you are happy and relaxed, it shows on your face. It is proven that the biggest contributor to rapid aging and disease is stress. Frowning, brow furrowing, and sleepless nights eventually take a toll on your complexion.
Learn to let go of what troubles you can with yoga, meditation or other relaxation techniques. Try to develop a different outlook. Don’t dwell in the past. Decide to look on the bright side. Simplify. All that “self help” mumbo jumbo works if you are open to it. Positive thinking can change your life…and your looks.
Work It Out: Sweat does wonders for your skin. Something about the release of toxins and circulating blood leaves you with a healthy glow post workout. And if you work out regularly, that glow never goes away. You don’t have to be a kickboxing master or a gym rat to get the benefits of exercise. Just get moving for at least 40 min. a day. Find out what works for you and stick to it.
Be a Good Girl: I really hope I don’t have to tell you this, but don’t smoke. It’s gross, it causes cancer, and it makes your skin cry out in agony. A glass of red wine here and there is good for your skin, but drinking like a pirate every day? Not so much. And always wear sunscreen, preferably in your makeup. Don’t pop zits until they are ready to pop themselves.
And most importantly, lay off the processed foods. Your body doesn’t like them and your skin pays for it — more on that below.

Eat these foods

You can basically eat any “whole food” and your body will thank you. Processed foods (anything not in its original state) takes longer for your body to break down and may be treated as a toxin that your body works hard to flush out…through your skin.
These are the “best of the best” as far as skin-friendly whole foods go.
•    Spinach, Kale, Collards, and other leafy greens.
•    Nuts
•    Flax seeds, hemp seeds, and Omega Oil (I prefer 
Udo’s Oil or Opti3 Supplements.)
•    Berries, raisins, prunes
•    Peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, carrots
•    Avocados (Start eating 1/2 an avocado a day and you will see a HUGE change in your skin.)
•    Beans
•    Whole grains (Many people have minor gluten sensitivities that may make them break out. If you are eating whole foods and still mysteriously breaking out, try cutting out wheat and then see what happens.)

Then polish the outside

It’s important to have a good skin care regimen. Since we are all beautiful snowflakes, everyone’s skin requires a different type of care. The following products are just suggestions that I find work well on both oily and dry skin.
Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash – This is by far my favorite face wash. It washes off easily and leaves my face feeling squeaky clean. Plus, it is cheap and you can get it in bulk at most health food stores!

Marie Veronique Organics Gentle Cleanser -  A little goes a long way with this super gentle face wash. It leaves your skin feeling clean but soft and supple, unlike many face cleansers.

Coalface Cleanser by LUSH -Don’t let its morose color scare you, this soap is awesome. It zaps oil without over-drying and gently exfoliates. At first it will pull everything out of your face and cause a few breakouts, but it is smooth sailing after that!

Exfoliating renews your skin after it scrubs away your old ‘blah’ skin cells. Exfoliators are best used once or twice a week. Everyday use tends to irritate.
Desert Essence Gentle Stimulating Facial Scrub – This stuff is heaven sent for those with dry skin. It scrubs away the dead cells and keeps your new layer moist with its essential oils.

Lavender Exfoliating Enzyme Scrub – Renewal at its finest. This refreshing scrub will have you stroking your face alll dayyy lonngg.

**Did you know? You can make your own exfoliator by adding baking soda, cornmeal, coffee grinds, or ground almonds to your cleanser.
The one and only anti-aging/ repair serum I recommend is Marie Veronique Organics Ant-Aging Mist. Spray this heavenly smelling concoction all over your clean face and within a few days you will notice softer and suppler skin without all the nasty chemicals.

If you are young or can’t afford fancy anti-aging creams, I whole-heartedly suggest moisturizing. Moisturize before you apply your makeup, before bed, and any other time you can possibly do it. A face full of moisture keeps you looking young, fresh and line free. I promise!
Desert Essence Daily Moisturizer – if you can’t tell already, I’m totally in love with the Desert Essence line. It is cheap, with great ingredients and works wonderfully. This moisturizer is light but penetrates deep and makes your skin feel heavenly. Somehow it works great with both oily and dry skin.

Jason Aloe Vera Gel – Perfect if you have very sensitive skin, or acne. I use this when I am breaking out or my skin is irritated. Aloe is non-greasy and also encourages collagen production! On top of all of that it is super cheap!

But remember kids… too many products equal irritated, dry skin and breakouts! Take it easy and let your skin do its thing. Cleanse and moisturize when you need to and only with products that have simple ingredients made from plants.
And above all else, make sure your products are not tested on animals! No one likes the look of suffering on your face.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuscan Kale Salad

Kale is one of the "super foods" and this salad makes it very easy to eat large amounts of it..... It is so good! This is from the restaurant, true foods, but i made some changes to make it more flavorful.
4-6 cups of kale (i buy the already cut and washed bag from trader joe's)
1 lemon- juiced
3 tbl. olive oil
3 cloves garlic, mashed
Sea salt
Black pepper
Hot red pepper flakes
1/2 cup cheese (i used the parmesan, romano and asiago freshly shaved- trader joe's brand)
1/2 cup organic bread crumbs from trader joe's
**whisk together lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes. Pour over kale and toss well. Add cheese and toss again. Let kale sit for 5 minutes, add bread crumbs, toss again and enjoy!
Thank you to katie pena for reminding me about this recipe!
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reducing Chemicals- All Natural Skincare

We are all exposed to hundreds of chemicals every day which puts a huge strain on our health. Why not try to reduce that by using all natural beauty products? I found this affordable skincare line, Earthscience, at Sprout's and have been very happy with it!
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Kick The Evil Vending Machine Habit

Most of us spend a good portion of our waking moment at the glorious office. Whether your "office" is working out of a car, locked in a cubicle somewhere, or restrained by demanding kiddos at home, you dont have to fall into the evil vending machine snacks when you suddenly realize you are STAAAARVING. Restrain from grabbing the closest and quickest thing to you, cause in this day, it is probably unhealthy. Instead, plan ahead and have these snacks on hand:
Hard boiled eggs
All natural peanut butter (read the ingredients list. It should read "peanuts" only)
Whole grain crackers (im obsessed with Crunchmasters available at Fry's and Costco)
Lunch meat
Carrots (or any vegetables really)
Fruit (keep fruit limited to early morning only)
Protein bars (check sugar content when selecting your bars of choice)
Rice crackers
String cheese
Salad with grilled chicken (protien is a must with everything you eat)
Greek yogurt
Protien shake

Health is 80% what you eat, 20% what you do.

What are your favorite healthy snacks?

Xoxo Aleisha

Monday, August 22, 2011

Yogurt Smackdown: Greek vs Regular

You're not alone if you have ever wondered, "What's the difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt?" Greek yogurt's popularity has been skyrocketing lately, and you may wonder what all the fuss is about. Is Greek yogurt more nutritious than regular yogurt? With nearly 28% of Americans now eating yogurt on a daily basis, it's a question worth investigating.

Yogurt comes from milk that has had healthy bacteria added, causing it to ferment. During this process, yogurt thickens and takes on a slightly tangy taste. Yogurt is then strained through a cheesecloth, which allows the liquid whey part of milk to drain off. Regular yogurt is strained twice, while Greek yogurt is strained three times to remove more whey (leaving a thicker consistency).

While all yogurt provides numerous health benefits (including probiotics), the nutritional stats for Greek yogurt and regular yogurt do differ. Here's how the two stack up:

Protein - Greek yogurt has almost double the protein of regular yogurt. Eight ounces of Greek yogurt has about 20 grams of protein, whereas regular yogurt provides around 11-13 grams. Greek yogurt's high protein content makes it a favorite among people trying to manage their weight as it helps ward off hunger.

Carbohydrates - Greek yogurt has fewer carbohydrates than regular yogurt. This could be beneficial to diabetics, who have to watch their carbohydrate intake.

Calcium - Regular yogurt has about three times the calcium of Greek yogurt. Both are still considered good sources of calcium, but women who don't get enough calcium from other foods may want to stick to regular yogurt for its bone-building benefits.

Sodium - Greek yogurt has half the sodium of regular yogurt.

Calories - Plain, nonfat versions of Greek and regular yogurt have a similar calorie count per serving, but added sugars can significantly increase the calories of either variety.

Texture - Greek yogurt is much thicker and creamier than regular yogurt because it's strained more. Greek yogurt can also be used in cooking as it does not curdle when heated like regular yogurt.

Cost - Unfortunately, you'll likely spend twice the money on Greek yogurt. This is largely due to escalating customer demand, as Greek yogurt's taste, texture, and great nutritional profile keep consumers coming back in droves. Greek yogurt also costs more because the extra straining requires much more milk, so it's a more concentrated source of protein.  I personally buy my Greek yogurt supply at Costco, just under a dollar per yogurt where you could pay anywhere from one to two dollars at any grocery store.
Although most people snack on yogurt, don't underestimate its versatility. Both types of yogurt can be used as lower-calorie substitutes for fatty ingredients. Swap out eggs and oil in baked goods for Greek yogurt, or use either yogurt type in place of full-fat sour cream, heavy cream, mayonnaise, or cream cheese in recipes. Both types can also be used in place of other high-calorie ingredients in dips, sauces, salad dressings, smoothies, and desserts.

Yogurt is often touted as an ideal health food, and it can be if you choose the right kind. As with both Greek and regular yogurts, be sure to opt for those with little to no added sugar, as this ups the calorie count.

Side note: the first time I tasted Greek yogurt, I disliked it so much that I couldn't even force myself to finish it and away in the garbage it went.  But something kept me coming back for more.  Finally I learned that if I add granola to it, I actually enjoy the taste.  Chobani seems to be my favorite, but there are several brands out there.  Just read the ingredients list and make sure there is no added chemical sweetners (I havent seen much of this in the Greek, but TONS in the regular) or ingredients that seem to be red flags. 

xoxo Aleisha


Please email me your address and which gift card you would like to receive... Trader Joe's, AJ's, or Sprouts.  {aleishamartin at gmail dot com}

xoxo Aleisha

Vitamin B is One of my Favorites For So Many Reasons.....

Check out the article from my favorite website

A deficiency of vitamin B12 can manifest itself as depression, mania, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, lack of concentration and more. Without enough B12, our health and energy levels suffer. Because B12 plays a crucial role in turning carbohydrates, protein and fat into energy, it is necessary to have adequate levels of B12 to extract energy from the food we eat. B12 also protects brain cells and affects our state of mind.

What causes vitamin B12 deficiency?

B12 deficiency is often linked to vegetarian and vegan diets because foods that contain B12 (such as milk, eggs and liver) are not part of the meal plan. However, this is only one possible cause of a B12 deficiency. You may also be deficient in B12 if stomach acid levels are low, if your gut flora is imbalanced and if your intestinal lining is not functioning properly. As we age, our absorption of vitamin B12 diminishes, so the older we get the more likely we are to suffer from a deficiency.

The Importance of B12

Ignoring how B12 affects our moods is a grave mistake. One 2003 Finnish study noted that those with higher serum B12 levels were more likely to overcome depression. Other studies have verified the connection between depression and B12 deficiency.

The great thing about vitamin B12 is its balancing effect. It increases energy, but it also calms the system. One small study showed that while B12 injections shortened overall sleep time, quality of sleep and daytime alertness were improved.

Testing and Supplementation

Testing B12 levels may help you determine whether or not you have a deficiency, but it may not speak to whether or not you would benefit from supplementation. In 1975 at McGill University, researchers noted that patients showed great improvement in their symptoms when they received B12 therapy--even when their B12 levels tested within normal range.

For these reasons, a great many people may find that vitamin B12 therapy can restore their energy levels and improve their moods. Therapy may include oral supplementation (usually of the more bioavailable form of B12, methylcobalamin) or intravenous injections for those who have severe deficiencies.

Learn more:


Friday, August 19, 2011

Motivational Quote of the Day

"Discipline is remembering what you want."

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Juicing- Saving Us From Diseases and Sickness

I love real, fresh, vegetable juice! Not the kind you buy in a jug at the grocery store. I’m talking about the kind where you take real vegetables and put them into a blender and gain immediate benefits from the nutrients!

I had started feeling sick for the past couple of days and last night it was coming on strong. I headed straight over to Mother’s Market to their Juice Bar. I was recommended to buy a shot of Ginger (1 oz. Ginger w/ 3 oz. Pineapple) and the “Goddess of Green” (parsley, spinach, kale, celery and apple). So he juiced it all right there in front of me and it was delicious! And today I feel SO much better.

As I was in line a woman behind me asked what I was getting as she was new to juicing. She began to share with me that she was a Physician but had had major health problems over the past 4 months and had to completely change her diet. She explained that she lived a life of “popping a pill” for everything and that had resulted in major health problems. So now she was choosing the “natural” route since the medicated route had failed her.

Our doctors write us quick fix prescription drugs without getting to the root of the problem which is often our diets. Meanwhile we get sicker and sicker. With juicing you are getting SO many nutrients without having to eat all of the vegetables but it’s still in it’s perfect, raw form. So next time you are feeling sick try drinking fresh, vegetable juice instead of popping pills!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

This Might Be Food Heaven

I came across a website tonight that has me coming out of my chair in food excitement!  This website is literally TO.DIE.FOR.  Now, I am not a vegan by any means, heaven forbid I ever have to give up my big juicy steak.....  BUT from what I could see in the short time I looked at her website (before getting so overly excited and I just had to share with all of you) it is nothing but whole, healthy foods.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say any recipe on this website is healthy.  And now, for the one recipe that stole my heart at hello:


For this version, I made a creamy green sauce made from Cilantro, avocado (the cream!), lime, and a few other spices that served as a decadent topping for the sweet potato, black bean, spinach, and pepper enchiladas.
They satisfied our every craving…and then some.

Inspiration Thursday

xoxo Aleisha

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Quinoa- What In the Heck Is It?

You may have seen it at Trader Joe’s or Sprouts- Quinoa. It’s a funny little word and took me a while to figure out how to say it (it’s pronounced “Keenwah”) but it has become one of my “stables” in my kitchen. It’s not a grain, believe it or not, it’s actually a seed!

It’s one of the most perfect non-animal protein sources, it contains all 9 of the essential amino acids that are crucial to our health. It is gluten-free and low on the glycemic index (which means it won’t spike your blood sugar level like white rice will).  

I have been replacing it with any meals that include rice because you’re getting so much more nutrition with Quinoa. You can buy it in the box from Trader Joe’s or you can buy in bulk from Sprout’s. You cook it just like rice, two parts water to one part quinoa. For example, if I put in 1 cup quinoa I’d add 2 cups of water. Let it come to a boil, then reduce the heat to let it simmer for about 15- 20 minutes or until it becomes soft.

Cranberry Quinoa Salad
1 cup of quinoa
2 cups of water
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 bunch of green onions (cooked)
¾ cup of dried cranberries
½ cup of fat free feta cheese (you can get it at Trader Joe’s)
Sea salt and pepper
**cook the quinoa and drain. Add olive oil to quinoa and stir. Add the chopped up green onions, cranberries, feta cheese, salt and pepper. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.  

Quinoa and Black Beans (this is one of my favorites!)
·         1 teaspoon vegetable oil
·         1 onion, chopped
·         3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
·         3/4 cup uncooked quinoa
·         1 1/2 cups vegetable broth
·         1 teaspoon ground cumin
·         1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
·         salt and pepper to taste
·         1 cup frozen corn kernels
·         2 (15 ounce) cans black beans, rinsed and drained
·         1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1.       Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the onion and garlic, and sauté until lightly browned.
2.       Mix quinoa into the saucepan and cover with vegetable broth. Season with cumin, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes,
3.       Stir frozen corn into the saucepan, and continue to simmer about 5 minutes until heated through. Mix in the black beans and cilantro.

I have a lot of great recipes available so if you want more please let me know!

H To The O

Water.  How many benefits can come from such a simple thing?  More than you can imagine; so drink up my fellow bloggers!

1. Trying to lose weight? Well, drinking plenty of water help you to lose weight because it flushes out the by-product of fat breakdown.  Just the name alone sounds pretty nasty, so why would you want it stored in your body!?  Drink up and flush it out.  Water also is a natural appetite suppressant so the more you drink, the less you eat.
2. Do you suffer from headaches?  Did you know that the number one aggravator of headaches is dehydration?  So drink up and stay headache free!
3. Who needs Botox when there is water all around?  You'll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated.  Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturize skin and increase skin elasticity.  So drink up and age in reverse!
4.  Need a boost on your workout? Drinking water helps to regulate body temperature.  You'll feel more energetic when doing exercises and water helps fuel your muscles.  So drink up and energize!
5.  Having issues in the bathroom? Fiber and water go hand in hand.  Couple that with a raised metabolism from your water intake and voila... you have a successful trip to the restroom.
6. Boost that immune system! Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kindney stones and heart attack.  Lemon added to water is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism, and arthritis.  So drink up and fight cold and flu season with one hand tied behind your back.

How much water is enough water??  Lets keep it simple and apply this rule of thumb:
Drink half your weight in ounces daily.  
So, if you weigh, 140lbs, you need 70 ounces of water per day.

xoxo Aleisha

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Disease Called Perfection

A while back I read a post from Single Dad Laughing that struck a MAJOR nerve with me.  It's everything I would have said if I would have been brilliant enough to write it first.  So here it is, word for word.  It's a bit on the longer side, but worth reading every word {twice}.

The disease called "Perfection"

As a warning, the following post was written in complete desperation. I have recently learned some very sobering truths from people that I love dearly. These truths have set in motion a quest within me to do whatever I can to make a change. Today is not geared at funny. Today is geared at something greater. Read it to the very end. I promise you will be affected in a way you have always needed to be. I spent more than twelve hours writing this post because its message is that important to me.

I wonder. Am I the only one aware that there is an infectious mental disease laying siege on us right now? There is a serious pandemic of "Perfection" spreading, and it needs to stop. Hear me out because this is something for which I am passionately and constantly hurting. It's a sickness that I've been trying to put into words for years without much success. It's a sickness that I have personally struggled with. It's a sickness that at times has left me hiding in dark corners and hating myself.

And chances are it's hit you too.

What is the disease called "Perfection"? Perhaps a list of its real-life symptoms will help you better understand it. We live in communities where people feel unconquerable amounts of pressure to always appear perfectly happy, perfectly functional, and perfectly figured. "Perfection" is much different than perfectionism. The following examples of "Perfection" are all real examples that I have collected from experiences in my own life, from confidential sources, or from my circle of loved ones and friends. If you actually stop to think about some of these, you will cry as I did while writing it. If you don't, maybe you're infected with way too much of this "Perfection" infection.

"Perfection" is a wife who feels trapped in a marriage to a lazy, angry, small man, but at soccer practice tells the other wives how wonderful her husband always is. "Perfection" keeps people from telling the truth, even to themselves. My husband is adorable. He called me a whore this week because I smiled at a stranger. When I started crying, he said he had a game to go watch. I love him so much.

"Perfection" is a husband who is belittled, unappreciated, and abused by his wife, yet works endlessly to make his marriage appear incredible to those around him. "Perfection" really does keep people from being real about the truth.  You would have laughed, guys. She said that I suck at my job and will never go anywhere in life. Then she insinuated that I was a fat, rotting pile of crap. Isn't she the best?

"Perfection" is a daughter with an eating disorder that keeps it hidden for years because she doesn't want to be the first among her family and friends to be imperfect. She would give anything to confront it, but she can't because then the "Perfect" people would hate her as much as she hates herself for it.

"Perfection" is when a son has a forbidden addiction, and despises himself for it. "Perfection" makes us believe that nobody else could understand what it is like to be weak and fall prey to the pressures of the world.

"Perfection" is a man who loathes himself for feeling unwanted attraction toward other men.

"Perfection" is a couple drowning in debt, but who still agree to that cruise with their friends because the words "we don't have the money" are impossible ones to push across their lips.

"Perfection" is a mom hating herself because she only sees that every other mom around her is the perfect mother, the perfect wife, and the perfect neighbor. I'd give anything to be Mrs. Jones. Today she ran 34 miles, cooked six complete meals, participated in a two-hour activity with each of her seven children, hosted a marriage class with her husband, and still had time to show up for Bunco. What this mom doesn't know is that Mrs. Jones is also at home crying right now because the pressure to be "Perfect" never lets up.

"Perfection" is a dad hating himself because he can't give the same thing to his kids that other dads do, and then hates himself further because he takes his self-loathing out on his kids behind closed doors. You know what would have been nice? If you were never born. Do you realize how much money I'd have right now? Now come give Daddy a hug because I can force you to give me validation.

"Perfection" is a child hating herself because the boys at school call her fat, and when she goes home she tells her mom that school was fine. Her mom never stops to question why her daughter doesn't have any friends, because her mom doesn't want to think that anything might be less than "Perfect".

"Perfection" is a man feeling like a smaller man because his neighbor just pulled in with a new boat.

"Perfection" is a woman who is so overwhelmed that she thinks about killing herself daily. "Perfection" makes it so that she never will because of the things people will think if she does. How could I make my suicide look like an accident? If I kill myself, I don't want anybody knowing that I ever had any problems. She never stops to look at why she wants to do it, because healing means admitting imperfection.

"Perfection" is a man who everybody heralds as perfect, and inside he is screaming to be seen as the faulty human being that he always has been. Because to no longer be "the perfect one", that would be freeing.

"Perfection" is a woman having an affair because she's too afraid to confront the imperfection in her marriage.

"Perfection" is a twelve-year-old boy killing himself because he is ashamed that he can't stop masturbating.

Stop, and read that one again.

There is a twelve-year-old boy buried 20 miles from where I sit because the "Perfection" that has infected the people around him infected him to the point that he deemed his own life worthless. "Perfection" pushed him to take his own life over something most of us would consider negligible in the life of any teenage boy.

"Perfection" is my friend's cousin swallowing hundreds of pills because she just got the news that she was pregnant, out of wedlock, and the shame was too much to bear. She was only attempting to cause a miscarriage. 24 hours later, she closed her eyes and never opened them again. She is dead because of the "Perfection" infecting those around her. We'd rather you die than shame this family. Thanks for taking care of that, honey. By the way, we'll do the right thing and make ourselves out to be the victims now. We have to. We're infected with "Perfection".

I could go on. This is all a small sampling of the disease called "Perfection". You have brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, extended family members, neighbors, friends, and children who are ALL these things, yet none of us will ever know. "Perfection" is a hideous monster with a really beautiful face. And chances are you're infected. The good news is, there is a cure.

Be real.

Embrace that you have weakness. Because everybody does. Embrace that your body is not perfect. Because nobody's is. Embrace that you have things you can't control. We all have a list of them.

Here's your wake-up call:

You aren't the only one who feels worthless sometimes.

You aren't the only one who took your frustrations out on your children today.

You aren't the only one who isn't making enough money to support your lifestyle.

You aren't the only one who has questions and doubts about your religion.

You aren't the only one who sometimes says things that really hurt other people.

You aren't the only one who feels trapped in your marriage.

You aren't the only one who gets down and hates yourself and you can't figure out why.

You aren't the only one that questions your sexual orientation.

You aren't the only one who hates your body.

You aren't the only one that can't control yourself around food.

Your husband is not the only husband who's addiction sends him online for his sexual fulfillment instead of to you.

Your wife is not the only wife that is mean and vindictive and makes you hate yourself.

Why didn't somebody, anybody, put their arm around that 12-year old boy and let him know that they loved him and would always love him? What was he being told and taught that he would end his own life over something that almost no teenager can control? Maybe that beautiful and wonderful boy would still be alive if even one person had broken down the "Perfection" that completely controlled all those in his life from whom he desperately craved validation.

Why didn't somebody, anybody, tell a beautiful pregnant girl that there was nothing so big in life that it couldn't be made right. Maybe that incredible young woman would still be alive. Maybe her now one-year-old child would be learning to walk or say "Mommy" right now. Maybe.


The cure is so simple.

Be real.

Be bold about your weaknesses and you will change people's lives. Be honest about who you actually are, and others will begin to be their actual selves around you. Once you cure yourself of the disease, others will come to you, asking if they can just "talk". People are desperate to talk. Some of the most "perfect" people around you will tell you of some of the greatest struggles going on. Some of the most "perfect" people around you will break down in tears as they tell you how difficult life is for them. Turns out some of the most "perfect" people around us are human beings after all, and are dying to talk to another human being about it.

You'll love them for it. And you'll love yourself even more.

Let's not forget this quote: "I went out to find a friend and could not find one there. I went out to be a friend, and friends were everywhere." Somebody who is being a friend doesn't spread "Perfection". Somebody who is being a friend spreads "Real". Then, and only then, can we all grow together.

I am not perfect, nor do I want anybody to think of me as such. Here's my dose of real:

I once stole a box of money that was meant for a child with cancer. There was more than $150 inside. That was 12 years ago, and I still hate the person in me that did that.

I believe in God, but not religion. It took me 30 years to find the courage to say that. It took me 30 years to believe that I could be a good man and still believe that.

I once got so angry at my wife that I hit the wall. The dent is still there, haunting me every time I see it because I never thought that was something I would do.

I once sat in my bedroom crying uncontrollably because I felt like everybody thought I was fat and ugly. I was a full grown man.

There are some people I avoid bumping into in public because I feel like I'm not as good as them.

I judge people harshly who share the same features that I hate about myself.

Sometimes I'm sad. Sometimes I'm not funny. Sometimes I just want to be alone. Sometimes I stay at home on a weekend because I just don't want to see the "Perfection" going on around me. Sometimes I want to drop-kick a perfect person's head across the room.

"Perfection" infects every corner of society. It infects our schools. It infects neighborhoods. It infects our workplaces. This is not to say that there aren't a lot of genuinely, happy people. I am one of those people. Most of the time. There is nothing more beautiful than a person finding true happiness in who they are and what they believe. No, this is not me trying to diminish the happiness in others. This is merely me pathetically attempting to put a face on a problem that I see everywhere but few people ever notice.

This is me, weeping as I write, asking the good people of the world to find somebody to put their arm around and be "real". This is me, wishing that people would realize how beautiful they are, even with all of their imperfections. This is me, sad and desperate for the girls in this world to love themselves. This is me, a very imperfect man, trying to help others feel a little more perfect by asking you to act a little less perfect.

Will you help me spread "Real"? Tell us below just how perfect you aren't. You never know who might be alive tomorrow because you were real today. You never know who needs to feel like they aren't alone in their inability to be perfect. Even if you comment as an anonymous guest, please comment. Tell us what you struggle with. Tell a sad or dark secret. Get vulnerable. Get real. Let's see if we can get 1,000 people showing the world that we're not defined by perfection.

And if you like, share this post. If you want the people around you to start being real, you have to be real first. If it's your first time here, we'd love to have you follow us. I promise it's not always this intense (or nearly this long). I'll post something really funny tomorrow.

Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing Being Real

xoxo Aleisha

Do You Need More Potassium in Your Diet?

My friend and I were just discussing what causes us to sometimes have “Restless Legs”. So I did a little research and found out it could be due to a low level of Potassium in your body.

If you suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, constipation, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney stones, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, obesity, headaches, pain in the eyes, muscle spasms, "restless leg syndrome," fatigue, or muscle tension, to name a few, you may be deficient in potassium.

Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body. It is also an electrolyte that regulates blood pressure, water retention, muscle activity, and proper function of every cell in your body. Potassium helps the cells in the body eliminate toxic waste, promotes balanced pH levels, and increases energy.

The best way to get it is through our food! We all know banana’s are high in potassium but don’t forget that potatoes (baked with skin), prunes, oranges, peaches, tomatoes, raisins, artichokes, lima beans, acorn squash, spinach, sunflower seeds, almonds, molasses, cantaloupe, salmon, and chicken are also good sources.

Potassium doesn’t work all by itself. Potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium all work together. Maintaining a balance between these four minerals is crucial to good health.


The Benefits of Just 15 Minutes of Excercise a Day!

This is an article from one of my favorite websites (! Another great reminder of how just as little as 15 minutes of exercise each day can and will drastically improve your health!

Imagine a Big Pharma prescription that will slash your risk of dying by 14 percent and give you at least an extra three years of life. How much you would be willing to pay for it? Many people would find a way to take this disease-preventing pill, no matter what the cost. Although there is no such drug, there is a free non-chemical prescription that can provide you with the amazing health benefits described above. There's just one catch: you have to take responsibility for your health and get moving for 15 minutes a day.

The new study involved over 400,000 Taiwanese people who participated in standard medical screening in Taiwan between 1996 and 2008, with an average follow-up of 8 years. Based on how much the research subjects said they exercised each week, the study participants were placed into one of five categories of exercise: virtually no exercise (inactive), or low, medium, high, or very high physical activity. Next, the scientists calculated hazard ratios (HR), a statistical measurement used to figure out the odds of an event occurring within a group at a particular time, to see what the risk of death was for every group that was active compared with the inactive group. Then the research team calculated life expectancy for each research participant group.

The results? Compared with individuals in the inactive group, those who were active had dramatic health benefits. Even the research participants in the low activity group who only exercised for an average of 92 minutes per week (about 15 minutes a day) had a 14 percent reduced risk of all-cause mortality, a 10 percent reduced risk of dying from any type of cancer and, on average, a three year longer life expectancy.

What's more, every additional 15 minutes of exercise each day beyond the minimum amount reduced death from all causes by another four percent and reduced death from cancer by another by one percent. These benefits were found across all age groups and among both men and women. The benefits were even applicable to the people with risks for cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, those in the inactive group who had a 17 percent increased risk of mortality compared with individuals in the low exercise group.

"In Taiwan, if inactive individuals engage in low-volume daily exercise, one in six deaths from all causes could be prevented," the scientists said in a statement to the media. "If the minimum amount of exercise we suggest is adhered to, mortality from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer could be reduced. This low volume of physical activity could play a central part in the global war against non-communicable diseases, reducing medical costs and health disparities."

In commentary about the study, Dr. Anil Nigam and Dr. Martin Juneau of the Montreal Heart Institute and Universite de Montreal in Quebec, Canada stated: "The knowledge that as little as 15 minutes per day of exercise on most days of the week can substantially reduce an individual's risk of dying could encourage many more individuals to incorporate a small amount of physical activity into their busy lives. Governments and health professionals both have major roles to play to spread this good news story and convince people of the importance of being at least minimally active."

Learn more:


Monday, August 15, 2011

Givin It Away To The Readers

I am feeling very very thankful for all the words of encouragement, thankful to all those that have sent me links to articles, information, and websites, feeling shocked {in a good way} that just about 300 people have already viewed my rambling posts in a few short days of starting this blog, and feeling freaking fantastic that my big sis Monica has decided to pop in with some posts of her own.  So to kick things off right and thank everyone for the support,

I'm doing a GIVEAWAY!

What's up for grabs you ask?
How about your choice of one of the following $25 gift cards:
*Trader Joes
*AJ Fine Foods

What are the rules you ask?
1. Become a follower of iChooseToBeHealthy blog by clicking "join this site" on the right hand side
2. "like" our page "{Healthy Happens By Choice}" on Facebook
3. Comment on your favorite post on the blog so far; telling us WHY it is your favorite
4. When we randomly select a winner on Monday, August 21st (no specific time) have your Facebook status set to
(don't forget to comment on this post letting me know when all four things are done)
That's it!  Four simple rules!  All four are a requirement and the winner will be posted sometime on Monday the 21st!

Good luck to everyone and thank you again!
xoxo Aleisha

Thank You Trader Joe's

I was at work the other day and saw my friend eating what looked to be an amazing salad from Trader Joe's. As we read over the ingredients on the back of her package we discovered that we could very easily make it ourselves!
The best part of this salad is you can make a big batch of it at once and it won't wilt (stays good for about 4 days) and the flavor actually gets better after sitting in the fridge.

Cabbage Garbanzo Bean Salad
1/2 head chopped up green cabbage
1 can garbanzo beans
1 yellow bell pepper chopped up
1 red bell pepper chopped up
1 cucumber chopped up
1/2 package cherry tomatoes cut up
Sea salt
Cracked black pepper
Cumin seasoning
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
**chop up all veggies and drizzle olive oil over veggies. Add salt, pepper and cumin seasoning, stir around. Add as much vinegar as like.
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Mango Feta Cheese Salad

Tonight i made a very easy and delicious salad for dinner. I didn't have a lot of time to prepare a meal so this was fast and so good!
Romaine lettuce
1 mango
1/4 cup of slivered almonds
1/4 cup of fat free feta cheese
1/2 cup of cooked onion
Balsamic vinegar
*additional ingrediants you could add are chicken and red bell pepper
Hope you like it as much as i do!
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A Little Mineral Called Zinc

Many people are not aware of the many health benefits of taking Zinc Supplements as part of their daily routine.  But trust me people, the benefits are tremendous and include:
-Fertility Benefits
     •Helps to sustain the male sperm count
     •Reduces and aleviates issues associated with PMS

-Immune System Benefits
     • Helps fight pneumonia, diarrhea, and infection
     •Reduces the severity and duration of the common cold
     •Often times cronic cold sore and canker sore sufferers are lacking vital zinc amounts and no longer receive outbreaks after starting a zinc supplement

-Eyesight Benefits
     •Helps prevent catoracts and night blindness

And in my opinion, the best benefit of all is that Zinc assures effective working of the metabolic system.... And boy oh boy is it important to keep your metabolism up and going!

xoxo Aleisha

Sunday, August 14, 2011

School Lunches

We all know the scene of an elementary school cafeteria at lunch time: pure chaos; leaving much room for distraction instead of eating. I am all pro when it comes to packing lunches. I used to go through ziploc baggies like it was no ones business. Then I saw this idea from and almost cried knowing I should have thought of this so very long ago. Ziploc divided containers so they only have to open one container vs 5 little baggies to get to their lunch! Genius!
I bought mine at Wal Mart for $2.47/three pack.

xoxo Aleisha