Saturday, August 13, 2011

Love, Yourself

Sometimes it is hard to love yourself.  But it can be done.  It should be done.  And everyone is capable of doing it. 
Loving yourself is the most critical tool you can have to achieve true health.  Muscles and body shape do not define health.  Rather it is made up of a combination of several factors ranging from positive self talk, eating clean and natural foods, exercising regularly, taking time for yourself, surrounding yourself by positive relationships, stress management and so much more. 
The first subject I would like to touch upon would be what I consider the most important step toward true health; positive self talk. 
I have a funny story for you.  When I first started working at the place I am at now, they handed me a piece of paper and told me, "this is our daily affirmation: memorize it."  That affirmation goes something like this:

"Today is a great day and I have the opportunity to show up as the best me ever! I am an irresistible magnet with the absolute power to attract into my life everything that I desire. My life is a huge success!

I am committed to constant and never ending personal improvement, and I take massive action steps to create the future as I want it. I will do whatever it takes to become the winner I know I can be.

My beliefs create my reality! I choose robust health, abundant wealth, constant happiness and eternal love. I attract, heal and positively influence the lives of people in my community. I think big thoughts, relish small pleasures and handle all setbacks gracefully.

I give thanks for the opportunity to serve humanity and I willingly accept the rewards being sent to me by an abundant universe. I am deeply grateful for all I create and receive. My life is now in total balance and… I am a winner!"

Now, as you can imagine, i thought these people were NUTS. Here they are yelling these word out with such enthusiasm and zest for life and I was U.N.C.O.M.F.O.R.T.A.B.L.E. during all two minutes we said it each day.  And then the positive subtleties started showing through and I credit it to starting each day out with positive self talk.
I found myself less stressed and better equipped to handle a stressful situation.  I found myself wanting to do more good for others. I noticed the voice in my head was a little more friendly and a little less grumbly when things didn't go my way.
All from a simple little positive talk.  
I challenge each and everyone of you to write a letter to yourself within the next three days that says at least one positive thing about each area of your life you don't currently like.  And to lead by example, here is my letter:

"Dear Aleisha,
You secretly hate your legs.  They are bird legs, but man oh man are they strong bird legs.  Keep up with the heavy lifting and the muscles will appear in time.  You must be patient and persistent.
Your teeth are growing holes in them faster than any dentist could ever repair them because you eat SO.MUCH.SUGAR.  But you should be proud of yourself for trying your best to scale it back  and fighting the sugar cravings all the time.  I know it is hard.  And by the way, good job on eating those raspberries last night when all you really wanted was a chocolate bar bigger than your head.
Aleisha, you are short tempered and a yeller by nature.  They are hard habits to unlearn.  I am proud of you for both telling and showing your kids how much they mean to you today.  I'm so extremely proud that you have made "I love you's" and "I am proud of you's" part of your daily conversation.   You are a good momma and you are instilling in them some tremendous traits that they will one day pass down to your grandchildren.
In no way are you perfect and I want you to remember that we don't always get life handed to us the way we had planned.  You are pretty good at taking the hard way through everything but even better at finding the good in every tough situation.  
You are loved by many, especially yourself.
Love always,

I would love to hear everyone's letters to themselves as a comment.  Positive self talk is so empowering.  It can get you through any situation!  Remember that next time you find yourself in a bind....

{xoxo Aleisha}

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